Josh from New York, Nyit's kinda sad that they totally abandoned their old-school rapping. the changes and bridge are just incredible. Grayson from Cleveland, OhThis song is brilliant. "Walkin' like a sauerkraut" How can you not love a song with a lyric like that? Kelly Mackenzie from Edmonton, CanadaBest line ever wirtten is in this song. Too bad they don't like performing it, and it was going to be the next single (instead of Hump de Bump) but I heard John Frusciante didn't like it so they switched them out. Krysten from Odessa, TxI love this song. I love the line "loka loka lika lika like you wanna get some" Angelo from Las Vegas, Nvi love this along with all RHCP songs. I love the quirky lyrics and fast beat, especially the part that says "Descendants had a record sayin' something bout Milo!" I think it's wierd that they recorded it for the album, but aren't allegedly aren't interested in it. Nicole from Chicago, IlI love this song! It's one of my favorite songs of the album. The song is funky and the lyrics are crazy. Letra, traduo e msica de Storm In A Teacup de Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dirty baby weve got a situation / Pretty baby open invitation / Little lady. Nicole from Chicago, IlThis song is one of the many examples off the album that RHCP is still JUST as good and haven't sold out. Liam from New HampshireAnyone else notice that it sounds like Flea recorded this song with a Modulus bass instead of the Fender Jazz bass that he used for the rest of the album?.
Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind Publisher: MoeBeToBlame, WORDS & MUSIC A DIV OF BIG DEAL MUSIC LLC Writer/s: Anthony Kiedis, Chad Smith, John Frusciante, Michael 'Flea' Balzary Sayin' somethin' 'bout Milo (whoop-tay-whoop-tay-git-ta-gala-goop-ta)īut you're gonna have to lie low (whoop-tay-whoop-tay-git-ta-gala-goop-ta) Spoken from the laserium (whoop-tay-whoop-tay-git-ta-gala-goop-ta) You're gonna have to bury 'em (whoop-tay-whoop-tay-git-ta-gala-goop-ta) Little lady hearts you're gonna break some
Then you never have to play dumb (whoop-tay-whoop-tay-git-ta-gala-goop-ta) Like you want to get some (whoop-tay-whoop-tay-git-ta-gala-goop-ta) Let me show you what I'm talking about (whoop-tay-whoop-tay-git-ta-gala-goop-ta)īut your walkin' like a sour kraut (whoop-tay-whoop-tay-git-ta-gala-goop-ta)