indica, with relatively high amounts of the psychoactive constituent delta-9-tetra-hydrocannabinol (THC), and subsp.

In the 1970s, Small and Cronquist separated it into two subspecies: subsp. Most researchers consider that Cannabis has only one species, C. In recent years, the interest in investigating the potential use of industrial hemp in food and nutraceuticals has been growing ( Figure 1). Furthermore, properties of hemp have been used to aid in treating and preventing ailments for thousands of years in traditional oriental medicine. The hemp seed, be it raw, cooked, or pressed into oil, has been well documented as a primitive source of fiber, protein, and fat, with high nutritional value. As a multi-use crop, hemp is considered one of the oldest plants cultivated to provide nutritional and medicinal benefits. As a traditional fiber crop, hemp is said to have lined the spine of the first copy of the Bible and set Columbus’s sails with canvas and rope. Historically, a multitude of products has been derived from the seeds, fiber, and wooden core of the hemp plant. The cultivation of hemp dates back to China around 2700 BC and is believed to have then expanded across Asia, making its way to Europe 2000–2200 years ago. Industrial hemp ( Cannabis sativa L., Cannabaceae) is a versatile herbaceous crop that has been used for fiber, food, and medicinal purposes. Hence, this review aims to compile recent advances in the science of industrial hemp, with respect to its use as value-added functional food ingredients/nutraceuticals and health benefits, while also highlighting gaps in our current knowledge and avenues of future research on this high-value multi-use plant for the global food chain. Current research is yet to verify the various health claims of the numerous commercially available hemp products.

In the past two decades, most countries have legalized industrial hemp production, prompting a significant amount of research on the health benefits of hemp and hemp products. Due to the similarities between industrial hemp (fiber and grain) and the narcotic/medical type of Cannabis, the production of industrial hemp was prohibited in most countries, wiping out centuries of learning and genetic resources.

Various oriental and Asian cultures kept records of its production and numerous uses. Industrial hemp ( Cannabis sativa L., Cannabaceae) is an ancient cultivated plant originating from Central Asia and historically has been a multi-use crop valued for its fiber, food, and medicinal uses.